Thursday 16 May 2013

If I can just take a moment...

I've decided to start this blog because I have this one problem: I love film so much I have trouble explaining why I love it. What I came up with, after some thought process, are the two reasons as follows. One is the idea of voyeurism. Film can transport you to places, outside of your world and norms, and put you into the shoes of impossible people; People's lives you've always wished or never thought to be a part of. And that leads to my second point. They teach us. And not in the obvious way either. Film to me is like a chest of secrets, and they can sometimes be unlocked through little movie moments. These moments can be anything, and different for everyone. But to me, they are moments that speak to us greatly. Because in the midst of the moment, we realize something about ourselves. These little moments are the reasons why I love film.

This blog is to celebrate these moments. And in the process of doing so I hope to grow as a writer and film lover.

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