Monday 27 May 2013

A Little Quote from Robert Redford

As humans, storytelling has been a part of us for so long, we don't even know when the first story was told. Stories are the driving forces of our world. They propel us forward. These stories are what we call life.

Sharing stories has the remarkable ability to teach. Through the stories of others, we learn more about ourselves. We learn about the world we live in. Storytelling is a powerful tool. And so, storytellers have a great responsibility.

Stories broaden our minds. They transport us into the lives of people we always wished or never thought to be a part of. They give us perspective.

Stories engage, provoke, inspire. The true power of a story lies in it's capacity to affect us. Stories can inspire us, provoke meaning into our own lives. They can enlighten us.

Stories connect us. What are we but a massive collection of stories? We connect through our similarities and we connect through our differences. Stories are universal. They can bridge cultural, linguistic and age divides. Storytelling has the exceptional ability to unite.

Stories, no matter what medium they are told through, hold many powers. And I thank Robert Redford for reminding us this.

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