Thursday 25 July 2013

Flashback: The Sea of Many Depths in Life of Pi

I suppose in the end, the whole life becomes an act of letting go, but what always hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye.
Best Directing, Best Original Score, Best Cinematography. This 2012 award winning film tells the sweeping story of a young man who, upon surviving a disaster at sea with a single lifeboat, forms the most unlikely connection with another survivor: a Bengal tiger. With vivid imagery and bewitching visual effects, Life of Pi is one of the most visually beautiful films that I've seen in my life time. Through Ang Lee's incredible artistic eye, he is able to communicate a beauty that grants us an experience of eye-opening moments. Life of Pi is a film of moments.

Movie Moment: What do you see? If you look at it, the sea is another entire world, deep and profound, breathing with another force of life. It's an infinite universe immersed with creatures known and unknown, familiar and strange. It's both terrifying and astounding. Understanding the sea is as difficult to grasp as understanding outer space, the universe, and heaven. In this "sea montage scene," Ang Lee bridges the idea of the sea with the universe, with a spiritual approach; The reflecting stars and planets merge with the glowing sea creatures, the sea becomes one with night sky. It's as if the boat is suspended, drifting above this unfathomable universe. Through a montage of images, we are pulled deeper into this expansive sea-universe and see things never imagined to be seen.

What was your Life of Pi Movie Moment?

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